Timber Wolf Knives are designed to be strong, functional and aesthetically pleasing.   When it comes to making elegant and durable knives, Timber Wolf is the “Leader of the Pack.”  My Damascus steel knife is a multi-functional sawback fixed blade survival hunting knife.  I received this knife as a birthday present from my beautiful girlfriend.


This knife is both elegant looking and extremely versatile.  It features a unique blade with two front edges.  The back of the knife has a saw and gut hook.  It features elegant notching that adds to the overall aesthetics.  The knife is designed for both hunting and survival and can be used for a variety of purpose.  The Damascus steel extends through the handle so there is no weak point in the design.  The handle is elegantly carved and the knife fits very well in my hand with no slipping.

My only complaint is that when the blade arrived it was sharp.. but not razor sharp!
I took my new blade to Knife Sharpest, a local Austin business:

Knife Sharpest
4703 Burnet Rd
Austin, TX 78756
(512) 467-9763

They used their superior sharpening skills to put a razor sharp hair splitting edge on my blade.  I highly recommend them for all your knife and sharpening needs!  Be sure to tell them you heard about their excellent service on Zombie Prep Kit!

Timber Wolf also has a number of other elegant Damascus Steel Knives available.  This particular one just happens to be my favorite design.  Be sure to check out other Timber Wolf Damascus Steel Blades:


Having a sharp knife in your bag is crucial for survival!  Not just for stabbing zombies but also for; hunting, cleaning kills, cooking food, building shelter, making tools, cutting firewood, carving stakes, cutting rope, ……..